Rin Tohsaka

Uber Super Rare


Rin Tohsaka is a mediocre backline attacker with Zombie Killer and a 50% chance to KB Aliens and Zombies. She has 44k HP with 4 KBs, 5300 DPS, 11 Speed, 450 range, 4260 cost, and ~2 min Cooldown. Her First Form has lower stats and is not relevant.

Rin's KB ability against Aliens is alright for the most part, as she can control them without pushing so hard that it causes Mizli Syndrome. She also has a decent matchup against Cadaver Bear, as her KB proc can help save her if she can't get a damage KB. For most of the game, she can basically be used as an improved Crazed Bahamut with an overall better build at the same range. Her survivability is also good, having 3 chances to reposition and enough HP to make use of them.

Rin Tohsaka's biggest flaw is her rather long foreswing, which can lead to her missing her attack. This also means that she usually won't be able to utilize her ability to KB Zombies as they burrow by the time her attack lands. What's worse is that her Zombie niche is already outclassed by Ectoweight, which can outrange almost everything she can. Her base HP also isn't quite adequate to deal with Zombies, which is a weakness compounded by her long foreswing, almost ensuring that she will take damage. Her Alien niche is only slightly better, as she only has average DPS for a Backliner and a 50% KB chance, meaning she has to rely on her KBs against tankier Aliens, and is unable to control them without help.

Rin Tohsaka is a really simple unit without many unique skills or significant drawbacks, making her a rather uninteresting, but reliable Uber in the early game. She has really standard generalist stats and her lack of specialization means that she will be easily replaceable and get outclassed later on in the game when you want something more than just a backline damage dealer.


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XP Cost Curve

Rin Tohsaka uses the Regular Uber Rare/Legend Rare/Legends Cat Curve

Level XP Level XP Level XP Level XP Level XP
1 0 11 15,600 XP 21 23,400 XP 31 27,300 XP 41 31,200 XP
2 9,800 XP 12 19,600 XP 22 29,400 XP 32 34,300 XP 42 39,200 XP
3 14,800 XP 13 29,600 XP 23 44,400 XP 33 51,800 XP 43 59,200 XP
4 21,800 XP 14 43,600 XP 24 65,400 XP 34 76,300 XP 44 87,200 XP
5 42,500 XP 15 85,000 XP 25 127,500 XP 35 148,750 XP 45 170,000 XP
6 64,300 XP 16 128,600 XP 26 192,900 XP 36 225,050 XP 46 257,200 XP
7 93,200 XP 17 186,400 XP 27 279,600 XP 37 326,200 XP 47 372,800 XP
8 118,000 XP 18 236,000 XP 28 354,000 XP 38 413,000 XP 48 472,000 XP
9 197,400 XP 19 394,800 XP 29 592,200 XP 39 690,900 XP 49 789,600 XP
10 513,500 XP 20 1,027,000 XP 30 1,540,500 XP 40 1,797,250 XP 50 2,054,000 XP
1 - 10 1,075,300 XP 11 - 20 2,166,200 XP 21 - 30 3,249,300 XP 31 - 40 3,790,850 XP 41 - 50 4,332,400 XP
1 - 10 1,075,300 XP 1 - 20 3,241,500 XP 1 - 30 6,490,800 XP 1 - 40 10,281,650 XP 1 - 50 14,614,050 XP

Appears in Banners

Most recent version of each banner featuring Rin Tohsaka
Fate/stay Night Collab