


Superfeline is not currently in the UDP. Please stay tuned for future updates that expand to cover it.

If you think this is an error and this unit does already have a Description, please inform ThanksFĂ«anor#3087.

XP Cost Curve

Superfeline uses the Superfeline Curve

Level XP Level XP Level XP Level XP Level XP
1 0 11 999,999 XP 21 999,999 XP 31 999,999 XP 41 999,999 XP
2 999,999 XP 12 999,999 XP 22 999,999 XP 32 999,999 XP 42 999,999 XP
3 999,999 XP 13 999,999 XP 23 999,999 XP 33 999,999 XP 43 999,999 XP
4 999,999 XP 14 999,999 XP 24 999,999 XP 34 999,999 XP 44 999,999 XP
5 999,999 XP 15 999,999 XP 25 999,999 XP 35 999,999 XP 45 999,999 XP
6 999,999 XP 16 999,999 XP 26 999,999 XP 36 999,999 XP 46 999,999 XP
7 999,999 XP 17 999,999 XP 27 999,999 XP 37 999,999 XP 47 999,999 XP
8 999,999 XP 18 999,999 XP 28 999,999 XP 38 999,999 XP 48 999,999 XP
9 999,999 XP 19 999,999 XP 29 999,999 XP 39 999,999 XP 49 999,999 XP
10 999,999 XP 20 999,999 XP 30 999,999 XP 40 999,999 XP 50 999,999 XP
1 - 10 8,999,991 XP 11 - 20 9,999,990 XP 21 - 30 9,999,990 XP 31 - 40 9,999,990 XP 41 - 50 9,999,990 XP
1 - 10 8,999,991 XP 1 - 20 18,999,981 XP 1 - 30 28,999,971 XP 1 - 40 38,999,961 XP 1 - 50 48,999,951 XP