Hatsune Miku Collab Capsules
Super Rares
Ubers and Legend Rares
Snow Miku 2021
Snow Miku 2021 is a decent generalist Backliner/Sniper, and specializes against Traitless enemies, being a very good anti-Traitless Backliner/Sniper with good CC. Snow Miku has 4200 base DPS, 48k base HP with 4 KBs, 425 standing range, 325 to 700 LD and additional abilities of Strong against Traitless, and also a 50% chance to Freeze Traitless enemies for 4 seconds.
Snow Miku possesses a variety of excellent qualities. In terms of her generalist qualities, her solid DPS with 275 piercing range is able to snipe most enemies using a stepping stone. Most comparable to Awakened Mina, another good LD Sniper, Snow Miku performs arguably better. Snow Miku also shines in her specialist qualities, targeting Traitless, a rare and desirable trait to target. With Strong boosting her already good stats (6300 effective DPS), she becomes an excellent LD Sniper against Traitless, effectively sniping dangerous Traitless backliners like Camelle and The SLOTH. With a good 58% Freeze uptime and a decent proc rate, Snow Miku works well on controlling high-pushpower Traitless enemies like the infamous R. Ost and Rain D, stopping them in their tracks and giving some breathing space. She also is able to fully utilize her decent KB count with her good effective 95k HP, meaning she can stay alive and effective for a decent while.
Like all things, Snow Miku isn't perfect. Snow Miku suffers from her rather large 325 blindspot and a poor 100 inner range, with shorter-range and high-pushpower enemies able to slip in and hurt or even kill Snow Miku. Due to this, good meatshielding and support is required to use Snow Miku to her full potential.
Overall, Snow Miku is a great Uber that requires good support and meatshielding to fully utilize her amazing strengths, like its good generalist LD sniping capabilities and great niche and CC against Traitless. With anti-Traitless being a rare and valuable niche and being very relevant throughout the game, and also combined with relevance of LD, makes her very useful throughout the game from EoC all the way to UL.
Hatsune Miku: MM2020 Tokyo
Tokyo Miku is a ranged Wave Blocker with 350 range, 97k HP, 3 KBs and Resistance towards Red and Angels. She will destroy the majority of wave stages and can act as a Tanker when needed, especially towards her target traits. However, her usage outside of those roles is minimal, with 5600 DPS and a 145s Cooldown.
Tokyo Miku's biggest selling point is her 350 range and Wave Blocker ability. This allows her to avoid the normal attack for the majority of wave enemies, letting her block the waves and not die with sufficient meatshielding. Even if the enemies are pushing, she has a respectable enough KB count which allows her to survive enough time to kill the main threat or summon another one of her. Her 500k effective HP allows her to tank Red and Angels well and is especially effective against wave enemies of these traits, such as Berserkory. All of this makes her one of the best anti-Wave units in the game; able to turn even otherwise bad lineups into braindead free wins on almost every wave-based stage.
While Tokyo Miku's 350 range lets her stay safe out of wave enemies' attacks, it also means she cannot act as a frontline Tanker, and will be more of a second line of defense. Her DPS is relatively low for this range. Her KB count also comes back to hurt her as a Wave Blocker; when KB'd, waves are not blocked, which can lead to waves leaking and damaging your Backliners. She also has somewhat lacking HP compared to many Tankers, which makes her hard to use as a general Tanker.
Overall, Tokyo Miku is an excellent unit for many wave stages, and a nice second line of defense for her target traits. However, she is somewhat lacking outside of wave stages compared to other units with similar range or roles. That being said, being able to destroy the majority of wave stages is not something that can be ignored.
Hatsune Miku: MM2020 Osaka
Osaka Miku is an excellent backline anti-Red/Angel Nuker with 460 range, 12 Speed, 4700 base DPS with a 4s attack rate, 131s CD with 3900 cost and 34k HP with 3 KBs. She has a three-strike multi-hit and Massive Damage to Red/Angel and also has a 10% chance to cause a Savage Blow which allows her to deal triple damage on that particular hit. Her First Form has the same abilities but inferior stats so we will only be referring to her Evolved Form.
Osaka Miku's greatest strength lies in her extremely fast attack rate combined with multi-hit. She is far more accurate than your traditional backline Nuker as they often have a long attack cycle meaning they are more likely to miss. What appears to be her weakness with her multi-hit turns out to be one of her strengths as enemies will be constantly juggled by her rapid attacks. In the case of tankier enemies, they will end up taking the full damage from all of her hits. Red/Angel in general are a whole mix of bouncy and dense enemies so whichever ones she ends up encountering, they will take the full brunt of her attacks, a formidable 22k effective DPS. She also stands at a very comfortable range and can reposition if need be with her decent KB count.
Osaka Miku has a little too much speed for her own good, outpacing normal Eraser and therefore takes an early damage knockback quite frequently. Her base DPS is actually not very high; she does have a bit of trouble with mixed trait stages and cannot handle them alone. While her Savage Blow might have been added to somewhat compensate for her lack of DPS, it is not reliable and occurs far too infrequently to be consistent, and can be replaced late-game by more consistent legends. Whereas her multi-hit does have its upsides, it also does deal less damage over an extended period of time due to enemies with high KB count spending more time being knocked back instead of taking damage.
While there are Rare and Super Rare anti-Red DPS units (Duelist and Bath respectively), there aren't any usable anti-Angel DPS units other than Ubers. Osaka Miku capitalizes on this role exceptionally well and combined with the anti-Angel support from the R and SR categories, she can dispose of most Angel-heavy stages. Overall she is an incredible asset to have against both the Red and Angel traits, especially with buffed Angelic Gories and Gabriels running around late-game stages or Barons.
Megurine Luka
Megurine Luka is an average Midranger unit with an LD of 150 to 500 and has Massive Damage against Black and Floating enemies. She has 4500 base DPS with a 4.2s attack rate, and stands at a comfortable enough range of 375, with 43k HP and 2 KBs. She is made to counter the majority of short-mid range Black and Floating enemies. She moves at 18 Speed, costs 3750 to deploy and recharges every 80 seconds.
Her standing range is more than comfortable to counter most Floating enemies such as Bun Bun variants as well as most Black enemies, and with 18k effective LD DPS she can be very destructive against them. Although blindspot tends to be a problem for a lot of LD units, her blindspot is at 150, which can basically be ignored. Her attack rate is fairly fast so she can give consistent DPS, and it isn't a game over if she misses an attack. Her fast attack rate combined with the LD can also help juggle enemies in her range, especially Blacks, which have a high KB count. It is also possible to stack her, given her low cost and CD.
The main problem with Luka is that her niche is already horribly powercrept by units such as Pizza Cat and Cameraman Cat. Her base DPS as a generalist Midranger isn't very good, but the biggest weakness is her survivability. Aside from standing at 375 range, her underwhelming HP and KB count mean that she will die extremely quickly against heavy pushers such as SBKs. Knockback Immunity can also lead to an early death if using her on stages with e.g. Black/Floating + a Mr. Mole or some other KB enemy, as your frontlines get pushed behind her and she takes direct hits from the main enemy attackers. It's also worth noting that her speed is quite high, which often leads to her rushing in and suiciding. This weakness is partially compensated for by her quick recharge rate.
Megurine Luka shouldn't be your first pick as a Black/Floating damage dealer given that her niche is oversaturated with many non-uber options. Her damage output also isn't generalist quality given her somewhat low standing range. However, with proper CC support, Luka's survivability issues are mostly fixed and she is a capable damage dealer against most Black/Floating stages.
Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku is a somewhat lacking Midranger with 43k base HP, ~3800 base DPS at 350 range and 15 Speed. She is Strong against and weakens Red, Angel and Floating enemies for 2s to 2.4s, depending on treasures. She has 3900 cost and a 71 second Cooldown.
Hatsune Miku's main strength is her ability to Weaken 3 traits. Her short CD and low cost allows you to stack her to increase her uptime on the Weaken, which is needed to make it consistently useful. Her boosted stats vs her 3 traits are also not bad at all (100k effective HP, 7000 effective DPS) especially when considering, again, that she stacks quite easily.
She has multiple flaws, however. One major one is her low base stats. 4000 base DPS is quite poor for a Midranger in general use especially. She relies very heavily on the extra HP granted by her Strong ability and some help from her Weaken against her traits to survive long enough to stack, but cannot easily do this outside of her niche with only 40k HP, low range and slightly suicidal speed. Furthermore, achieving permaweaken requires at least 3 properly desynced copies of her, and non-Uber alternatives can usually do the job more reliably.
Overall, Hatsune Miku is very lacking, both in terms of stats and ability, and is rarely used outside of early game. She has some potential to be useful against Red, Floating and Angel enemies when non-Uber alternatives are not fully effective, but is likely not going to be the greatest help even then.
Sakura Miku
Sakura Miku CC is a good anti-Alien CC unit with a 100% chance to Freeze Aliens for 2s, paired with 500 standing range (400 to 750 LD range) and a fast attack rate. Sakura Miku also works quite well as a general use Sniper with 37k HP, 5 KBs, 3800 DPS, 5 Speed, under 2 minute recharge and low 3900 cost for an Uber. She also has a 30% chance to break barriers.
Sakura Miku has a rare combination of LD + Freeze ability that is well suited to dealing with the Backliner-heavy Alien trait. Despite her low uptime, the rapid Freeze proc greatly reduces the enemies’ pushing power and gives times for your units to push back. Sakura Miku also has very good survivability due to two factors. First, her high KB count which lets her reposition when enemies do get into her blindspot, and second is her low speed which keeps her behind your meatshields and safely in the backline so as to never become exposed to unnecessary danger. Due to these factors, Sakura Miku is able to provide consistent support for a long time and perhaps even stack. You can also exploit her large blindspot to stall on starting peons to stack Sakura Mikus if needed. Her performance is not hindered much by Star Aliens, even those deep in the enemy backline, as she can break their barriers and then Freeze them as usual.
The main weakness of Sakura Miku is that she has quite low HP so when her range and CC do not keep her out of harm's way, she can die very easily. This is a particular issue in late-game when highly magnified enemies can do enough damage per hit to stop her utilizing all of her KBs, which she relies on to reposition and recover. Another smaller weakness is her large blindspot that fast, hard-pushing enemies can infiltrate if your defences are not strong enough. Nimoy Bore and General GreGory are the main Aliens this applies to, but in mixed stages fast peons of other traits can also pose this problem.
In conclusion, Sakura Miku works very well on both pure-Alien stages, and mixed Alien stages and is a very good addition to your team. She also works well as a Sniper with decent DPS, high amount of KBs and low speed that doesn't clip.
Kagamine Rin & Len
Kagamine Rin & Len is a decent backline attacker who can CC Black and Metal enemies. They have 450 standing range with an effective range of 250 to 550, and 4100 DPS, 44k HP with 6 KBs, 16 Speed, 4350 cost, 125 second CD, KB Immunity, and a 4s Slow and KB proc against Black and Metals, both having a 50% chance to activate.
The Kagamines' combination of Slow and KB against Black and Metal enemies might sound like it causes "Mizli Syndrome" but there are very few Black or Metal enemies that outrange the Kagamines, mitigating the downsides of this ability set. In fact, as both traits are known well for their high pushing power, it is a very effective combination for controlling them. Their stats are not too bad either, with good LD DPS from a decent backline standing range, making them a viable choice as a Crazed Bahamut replacement. The large KB count contributes to their general usage as well, allowing for many chances to reposition, and reducing the disadvantages to survivability usually associated with KB Immunity.
One major weakness for the Kagamines is the fact that both Black and Metal enemies have very strong melee attackers. While this unit can reduce the pushing power of enemies if they proc, the reliance on a 50% proc rate and long foreswing makes it easy for many strong melee attackers to get into their blindspot. Their high speed can also make them move in front of meatshields or get too close to enemies, especially against Black enemies with low endurance, making their blindspot issue worse. Furthermore, there are many excellent non-Uber spammable proc units for Metals and Blacks, such as cyclone drops and Bombercat which, while lacking range compared to the Kagamines, can still proc on the majority of enemies from the target traits. The Kagamines also have very little piercing range (only 100) which means their potential as a Sniper is limited and LD is mostly a weakness.
Overall, the Kagamines have decent stats and a nice ability, but are overshadowed easily because many non-Uber CC units in their traits do the job fine already. They can be very effective in the right situation but their vulnerability to blindspot infiltration means you're often safer just sticking with the alternatives.