Legend Quest Info & Details


What is Legend Quest?

Legend Quest is a new map challenge similar to Heavenly Tower that is implemented in v8.6. It essentially pits you against random Stories of Legend stages, with a random lineup.

Is there any reason to play Legend Quest?
  1. Challenge, to prove yourself as a pro Battle Cats player.
  2. Various rewards from each stage, including rare Legend Catseyes.
How do I unlock Legend Quest?

There are 3 general requirements to unlock Legend Quest completely:

  1. Legend Quest is accessible after you beat Empire of Cats chapter 1.
  2. To open Stage x, you need to beat SoL chapter x+1. For example, to play Stage 1 in LQ, you need to beat SoL chapter 2. To play Stage 18 in LQ, you need to beat SoL chapter 19, and so on.
  3. To play Stage 11 and on, you need to reach User Rank 1600.
How many stages are there in Legend Quest?

There is a total of 48 stages.

Where can I play Legend Quest?

Open the Legend Stages menu, and naviagte to the Special Stages section (the red ones). If it's scheduled, Legend Quest should appear at the very top.

What do the stages cost to play?

There are two things: Energy and Stars. Stars are acquired from clearing any SoL map, including the star difficulties. The more maps you clear, the more stars you have. Stars consumed in Legend Quest won’t affect your SoL progress. The stars will reset on the next Legend Quest appearance.

Regarding the recent change of stars becoming crowns (or "levels" if you prefer), it is currently unknown how Legend Quest is affected exactly.

Energy consumption:

Star consumption:

Every time you retry a stage, the star consumption is increased by 1. This continues until it stops after the third incrementation.

How does the stage randomizer work?

The stages in Legend Quest take a random SoL stage. But there is a rule to this randomizer. Every Stage No. x in Legend Quest will take a random stage from SoL chapter x or x+1.

In other words:

The final stage (48) in Legend Quest is always from SoL chapter 49.

Stages in Legend Quest are only randomized once, and won’t change until the event ends. The stage you fight is always on 1-star difficulty.
Enemy Lookout automatically reveals all enemies in the stage. Use that to plan your lineup.

How does the lineup randomizer work?

The system won’t completely build a lineup for you. Instead, it will swap some of your cats on your lineup with randomly picked cats. The number of cats swapped is also random. In some cases you could get one cat swapped, on some other cases you could get your whole lineup changed entirely.

There are some extra rules though:

Exact probabilities
Total attempts Number of cats swapped / chance (%)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 30 32 14 6 6 4 4 2 2
2 27 37 16 6 6 4 4
3 25 45 18 6 6
4 40 50 10
5+ 32 45 23

Does Legend Quest have any restrictions?

There are two:

What are the drops from each stage?

All drops are guaranteed, but are only available once per appearance.

Random Catseyes can be Legend Catseyes. There are up to 23 Legend Catseyes you can get in total, but only 8 of them are guaranteed. Like Heavenly Tower, the drop rewards reset on every appearance.


For more gameplay-oriented tips, make sure to check out this document.


jones_goth#8162 (original document redaction)
Waran-Ess#9801 (minor edits and web conversion)